Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm feeling strangely moody. I'm thinking a bit of blogging my help me discern why.

I watched most of the LDS conference this past weekend. I didn't necessarily pay attention through most of it, but I was physically present in my downstairs neighbor's living room with my LDS friends where the conference was being streamed from the internet to to a television via a hookup with a computer. There was more than one talk that stressed faith and refuted doubt. This piqued my interest. Not because I found it spiritually uplifting. I didn't. It interested me because it taught me a lot about human nature and religious structures. I realized at an early age that truth, if it is actually truth, will maintain its veracity beneath an eye of skepticism. I also decided that if a religion were the one truth then it can be discovered as the ultimate truth by evidence that is in some way different and more legitimate than all other religions. Mormonism utilizes the same proofs as all other religions to convince its members of its truthfulness, it only does so with a different flavor. They don't realize this, and they aren't meant to.

I'm done talking about that.

I don't want to write anymore. I should be happy. I was all day until now and I have no reason not to be. It's been a good day. Despite this, I'm sad. I'm lonely, actually... It's not because I don't have friends. It's because I can't reach the girl I'm dating on the level I want to. That's just speculation. It's probably not the real cause.

I took a Jungian personality test. It thought it was very accurate. Not perfectly, of course. But very good. I'm the type INFJ. Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging.


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